As a blogger for a raw food lifestyle, most people assume that I am 100% raw and 100% for everyone being raw, as well. That is not true. When I first transitioned this was certainly the case. I drove people crazy with my newfound obsession and shared articles and links like it was my job. However, after several years in this lifestyle I’m realizing that for some it causes more stress than good.

While I do believe that a fully raw lifestyle filled with fruits and veggies is the best and most healthful approach to food, I also truly believe that one’s own happiness is an even greater factor to health.

So what’s a person to do?

Well, first off, I came across this post by Mind Body Green on why the author does not recommend a raw, vegan, paleo, or gluten-free diet. When I first saw it, I was a bit upset. How dare someone not recommend a raw foods diet?! But then, I read her actual list of recommendations and changed my stance:

  • Eat as naturally as possible, i.e. avoid processed stuff and go for simple and real food instead.
  • Eat as organically as possible and preferably locally grown produce.
  • Make sure to eat more raw than cooked food and more plants than animals.
  • Change your diet slowly and never force yourself to do something for which you’re not yet ready.
  • Keep a food diary to find out what makes you feel and look better and what does not.
  • Walk 10,000 steps every day.
  • Use common sense!
When I read this I realized that I could agree with this, 100%. Not everyone wants to go 100% raw even if they believe it’s the best diet for them (myself included). The reason is this: they take great joy in joining in the cultural traditions of sharing a meal. Sometimes this makes me cringe to advocate for this because I know what happens in many restaurants and homes .. the “meal” is a spread of  processed foods and very few plants.
This is why this list of recommendations is such an excellent one. Whatever the diet you end up with, choosing to eat real food (as in, it came from this Earth), eating more raw plants than animals, and moving your body is simply the best way to approach food.

How do you feel about this? I support the raw foods lifestyle and I think the benefits of 80% raw are remarkably close to 100% raw. What do you think??


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  1. I totally agree with you. I'm like 90% vegan, because I haven't found the will/courage yet to give up cheese. While I know it's not the best for me, it makes me sad to not eat pizza with cheese. In the end, when I tried removing it completely from my diet, I craved a lot more bad food and sometimes would binge a lot more as well. I think eating as many fruits and veggies as possible with whole food and the less animal food possible, the better.

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