Every vegan has a good overnight oats recipe up their sleeve. When I was completely raw vegan, I soaked whole oats groats in water and mixed with fresh fruit and cinnamon (lots of it).

I’ve seen started playing with my overnight oatmeal by using rolled oats and chia seeds for a softer, creamier texture. I also started playing with different flavors, like adding a scoop of peanut butter, a dollop of vegan greek yogurt, or shredded apple and cinnamon for apple cinnamon overnight oats…

…you get the idea.

And that’s what I love about overnight oats: the possibilities are endless.

My lifehack – make base for the next few days and mix options in the morning.

If you’re keen to see my top 4 combos for healthy overnight oats, then jump ahead. I’m going to hang out up here and go through a bunch of other drool-worthy variations to try next time.

Other Overnight Oats Ideas

  • Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats – shred an apple and mix with old fashioned rolled oats. Sprinkle with cinnamon (lots of it), toss in a handful of golden raisins, and pour in either almond milk or coconut milk. Add a tablespoon of brown sugar, then give it a stir. Pop that bad boy into the fridge and you’ve got yourself delicious apple cinnamon overnight oats.
  • Berry Chia Overnight Oats – Pick your favorite fresh berry of choice (mine is blueberry) and mix with 1/4 cup of chia seeds, 1 cup of full fat coconut milk, 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 1/2 cup of rolled oats. Mix well and refrigerate overnight.
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats – THIS is the tits but is hardly considered healthy overnight oats. Combine peanut butter, cacao powder, vegan chocolate chip pieces, coconut milk, maple syrup, and quick oats for a dreamily indulgent and easy overnight oats recipe.

Overnight Oats Ingredients

There are so many different kinds of ingredients and toppings that can be used for a totally customizable yet stupidly easy overnight oats recipe. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Seeds – flax seed, chia seed, and pumpkin seed are some of my favorites. Flax seed and chia seed become gelatinous when mixed with a liquid, making them the perfect addition to any overnight oatmeal recipe. Pumpkin seeds add a nice little crunch and are packed with beneficial nutrients for women.
  • Nut butter – my favorite is peanut butter because, well, it’s peanut butter. A good almond butter will work too and give it a really nice nutty, earthy flavor. When I was 801010 raw vegan, I consumed very little fat and so I liked to use peanut butter powder for the delicious flavor without the extra fat.
  • Protein powder – if you’re trying to get your protein in, then this is the perfect opportunity to add a scoop of protein powder. While I personally detest the taste of protein powder, this is how my partner eats his.
  • Plant milk – I really like using coconut milk because it’s thick and creamy after sitting in the fridge all night, but you could opt for almond milk, oat milk, or whatever other kind of milk you prefer.
  • Yogurt – vegan greek yogurt is the tits and you have to try it in your overnight oat dish at least once.
  • Sweetener – I personally prefer maple syrup as a sweetener in everything, but you could use raw honey, agave, coconut sugar simple syrup, or even a scoop of brown sugar to sweeten the basic overnight oats recipe before adding any toppings. Vanilla extract is even a great way to enhance the sweetness without the sugar.

Easy Overnight Oats Recipe

A quick and easy breakfast that has endless possibilities. Here is my basic overnight oatmeal recipe, 4 different ways.
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: Vegan
Keyword: Oatmeal, Oats


Basic recipe

Chocolate oats

Matcha oats

Berries oats

Spiced oats


  • Begin by mixing the ingredients of the base recipe together.
  • Depending on your chosen flavor, add the remaining ingredients. Mix well.
  • Store in a closed container in the fridge overnight.
  • The next morning, remove from the fridge and add desired toppings. Drizzle with maple syrup (optional) and enjoy.


  • Quick oats or instant oats can work in a pinch if you forgot to put your old fashioned rolled oats in the fridge the night before
  • The easiest thing to use is a mason jar for your overnight oat recipe because you can close the lid, shake it up, and set to soak. I’ve also used regular food containers, recycled jars, and a plain old bowl with a plate on top. 

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