banana fig maca smoothie
Whenever I see fresh figs at the store I snatch them up. They aren’t always readily available and yet they are such a treat, packed with nutrients. I love adding them to salads, desserts, and my smoothies and shakes to give a deeper, more indulgent taste to whatever I’m eating.
This particular morning I could not get the plump purple little beauties out of my head. So for a sweet breakfast I threw them in the blender and followed them up with other easy and superstar ingredients.
I always buy several bunches of bananas at a time, mostly in hopes that I don’t finish them all just so I can throw some in the freezer. That rarely happens as my SO and I are basically two tall monkeys, but whenever it does I am gifted with the perfect ingredient for an indulgent smoothie.
I also added maca here, which I’m a huge fan of, because I felt the malty flavors were the perfect compliment to the rich fig flavors. It worked beautifully and gave me such a wonderful boost in nutrients, as well. I was satisfied until lunch, which is always a good thing.
Banana Fig Maca Shake:
a recipe
2 frozen bananas, broken into pieces
1 cup fresh figs
1 T maca powder
1 T nut butter, optional
1/4 cup + coconut water, as needed
Combine everything in a strong blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!!

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